Saturday, September 21, 2013

Difficult Questions

1. Are you in love? Explain.
2. Can two people fall in love in 19 hours? Explain
3. What problems did the man and woman have on the elevator? Explain.
4. Do you think the man and woman are divorced now? Explain.
5. Can old people fall in love? Explain.
6. Did you ever fall in love? Explain.

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  1. 1. Yes I in love, but was four years ago.
    2. Maybe, because in 19 hours they have time for talk of everything.
    3. I think, they has hungry, and thirsty, and they want to the bathroom
    4. I don't think so
    5. Yes they can, because for love didn't age.
    6. Yes, Years ago.

  2. 1- Yes Iam in love because I have boyfriend we are in the relation for two year ago.
    2- Of my point of view, it's probably if the two peoples are single.
    3- When they wants go in the elevator, it has problem. It's doesn't go up and It's dosen't go down.
    4- I don't think.
    5- Yes, if in the relation they are love is possible a long relation.
    6- Yes in this moment I'm love.

    STUDENT # 1005311

  3. 1. No. i'm alone.
    2. Maybe, i need to meet more a person.
    3. It's the elevator doesn't go up and down.
    4. Not, they are in love.
    5. Yes,
    6. Yes in my country.
    # 1008274

  4. 1. A young man gets on the elevator.
    2. The elevator goes up.
    3. The elevator stops.
    4. A young woman gets on the elevator.
    5. The elevator goes up .
    6. Then it stops.
    7. It doesn't go up.
    8. It doesn't go down.
    9. It is stuck between floors.
    10. The elevator is stuck for 19 hours.
    11. The man and the woman are in the elevator.
    12. They are together for 19 hours.
    13. They talk, and talk, and talk .
    14. Finally, the elevator goes up.
    15. It stops, and the doors open.
    16. The man and the woman walk out of the elevator.
    17. They are tired.
    18. They are hungry.
    19. They are thirsty.
    20. They are in love .
    21. Three months later, they get married.
    (This is a true story!) 1004935

  5. 1. A young man gets on the elevator.
    2. The elevator goes up.
    3. The elevator stops.
    4. A young woman gets on the elevator.
    5. The elevator goes up.
    6. Then it stops.
    7. It doesn't go up.
    8. It doesn't go down.
    9. It is stuck between floors.
    10. The elevator is stuck for 19 hours.
    11. The man and the woman are in the elevator.
    12. They are together for 19 hours.
    13. They talk, and talk, and talk.
    14. Finally, the elevator goes up.
    15. It stops, and the doors open.
    16. The man and the woman _walk out of the elevator.
    17. They are tired.
    18. They are hungry.
    19. They are thirsty.
    20. They are in love.
    21. Three months later, they get married. 10015 12
    (This is a true story!)
